Updates from Liverpool University drug interactions website

Liverpool University press release

New antiretroviral drugs added

2018 has been a busy year, with many new ARVs and coformulations added to the website and app. You can now search for Biktarvy (BIC/F/TAF), Trogarzo (ibalizumab-uiyk), Symtuza (DRV/c/F/TAF), and Juluca (DTG/RPV). By popular demand, we also now have a PrEP combination available, Truvada (FTC/TDF). The latest NNRTI, doravirine (DOR), has made it onto our website. Doravirine is available on its own as Pifeltro or in combination with lamivudine and tenofovir-DF as Delstrigo. 

Previously, looking up interactions with darunavir returned interactions with both ritonavir and cobicistat. Now you can search separately for either Prezista (DRV/r) or Prezcobix/Rezolsta (DRV/c). We are planning on making similar changes to the atazanavir interactions.

New comedications

During 2018 we added 13 new comedications. This means the database now contains 24,850 drug-drug interactions, with nearly 3,000 added this year. We will be adding more next year to make sure we cover the most commonly prescribed drugs. 

As always, if you have any feedback about drugs you think we should be covering, please e-mail us at hivgroup@liverpool.ac.uk or use the feedback form on our website.

New prescribing resources: Chemsex, bictegravir & doravirine

Following feedback we received from Glasgow, we have produced a new Treatment Selector: Interaction potential of chemsex drugs. 

You can find it in the Prescribing Resources section of our website along with our other resources such as ARVs for patients with swallowing difficulties and PK factsheets for ARVs, including new ones for bictegravir and doravirine.

Update your apps!

Are you a user of HIV iChart, our mobile interaction checker app?

If you have been using the app for some time it may be a good idea to uninstall the app and reinstall the new version. The update function within the app only updates the drug interaction database, not the software.

The HIV iChart app was extensively updated during the summer to deliver improved performance (such as faster loading times and lower battery usage) and to enable continued support for latest devices and software platforms.

The update also removed the automatic checking of interactions between ARVs but these interactions can still be viewed in the app by selecting ARVs from the comedications list.

The app now appears on devices as simply “iChart” in response to feedback from users who wanted an “anonymous” app that didn’t mention HIV.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.