Special reports

Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide

Global update: 90-day review ended early and cancelled 10,000 grants, millions of people will suffer

Country update from Nigeria: current impact on HIV services

News and resources linked to changes in US policy on international aid

Featured Impact of US elections and executive orders on global health: waiver covers PEPFAR with restrictions

Almost 1 in 5 people in Switzerland disconnected from HIV care over 10 years: only half reconnected and with advanced infection

Looking back through 2024 and forward to 2025…

i-Base appeal: Q&A services and the website in 2025

ART pipeline 2025: exciting dual long-acting combinations and the challenge of generic dolutegravir

HTB news: i-Base changes during 2024

Unheard: The medical practice of silencing – by Dr Rageshri Dhairyawan

HIV diagnoses in England jump by 51% in 2023: missing targets and highlighting disparities in access to care

Major update of UK PrEP guidelines online for public consultation

Uganda Court rejects appeal against the LGBTQ+ hate law

UK guide to PrEP now online: major update (2024)

Modelling study challenges links between gender and PrEP: event-based dosing and easier daily dosing should work for all

UK HIV Positive Voices survey: many people doing well but life is still difficult for others; growing belief in U=U

Uganda hate law blocks HIV research: join 300 leading researchers in sign-on protest

Uganda update: LGBTQ+ hate law challenged in the courts

Latest figures published on HIV in the UK: 2023 report

Uganda report: Increase in LGBTQI+ assaults and human rights violations need urgent activist responses

Latest statistics on HIV in the UK: data for 2021

Monkeypox into Autumn: still no emergency funding, vaccine efficacy and UK declines further vaccines

Update on monkeypox in the UK: reduced cases, vaccine access, transmission and treatment…

MPX vaccine update – access, doses, safer MPX sex

Taking a break from monkeypox: four weeks out for August

Monkeypox crisis in the UK needs urgent funding: sex, vaccines and Pride

Monkeypox outbreak: Update and further information

EACS statement on the war in Ukraine

Organisations to support the crisis in Ukraine

Pipeline report 2021: HIV drugs in development

HTB: no. 5 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (3 May 2021)

HTB: no. 3 – plus HIV and COVID-19 (12 March 2021)

Early results report 90% efficacy with from Pfizer/BioNTech COVID vaccine

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation March 2020

HIV pipeline 2020: new drugs in development – March 2020

Fit for purpose: antiretroviral treatment optimisation July 2019

Fit for purpose 2019 – PDF

HIV pipeline report 2019

HIV diagnoses in UK drop for third year: among all ages, risk groups, and ethnicities and across most UK regions

Fit for purpose: Antiretroviral treatment optimisation July 2018

Fit for purpose 2018 – PDF

HIV pipeline 2018: full version

Dolutegravir preconception signal: time is up for shoddy surveillance

HIV in the UK 2017: a shift to eliminate AIDS

2017: a year in review – great news and why we still fight…

Experts disagree with controversial BMJ support for older HIV drugs in pregnancy

The evidence for U=U (Undetectable = Untransmittable): why negligible risk is zero risk

i-Base 2017 appeal: we need your help….

HIV pipeline report 2017

HIV pipeline 2017: full version

Fit for purpose (July 2017)

i-Base appeal: we need your help…

HTB supplement: 2016 Pipeline Report

HTB supplement: 2015 Pipeline Report

HTB supplement: 2014 Pipeline Report

HTB supplement: 2013 pipeline report

AIDS 2012: non-technical conference summaries: HTB supplement

HTB supplement: 2012 pipeline report

Supplement: i-Base Introduction to Combination Therapy

Supplement: HIV testing and risks of sexual transmission

HTB supplement: 2011 pipeline report

AIDS 2010: non-technical conference summaries: HTB supplement

Tuberculosis treatment pipeline

Tuberculosis vaccine pipeline

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