Uganda update: LGBTQ+ hate law challenged in the courts

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

On 18 December 2023, the legal challenge to the Anti-Homosexuality Act (AHA) was briefly heard in the Ugandan Constitutional Court. 

This was to formally submit written arguments from both sides.

Although the AHA instantly made Uganda one of the most dangerous countries for people who are LGBTQI+ it included similarly harsh penalties for anyone who supports these communities, even at a distance, for example as an employer or landlord.

This harsh level of discrimination against Ugandan citizens forfeited basic criteria for the country to be able to remain engaged with many international aid initiatives, including loans from the World Bank and preferential trade agreements with the US and others.

The outcome from the legal challenge is expected to be announced later in January.


Convening for Equality. Press statement. Constitutional Challenge to Uganda’s Anti-Homosexuality Act Begins. (17 December 2023).

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