Treatment strategies

Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide

CROI 2025: Reducing Biktarvy from daily to only once, twice or three times a week

Almost 1 in 5 people in Switzerland disconnected from HIV care over 10 years: only half reconnected and with advanced infection

Transient impact of lenacapavir against MDR HIV-2 without other active ART

Drug resistance or side effects might limit ART in up to 1 in 10 people living with HIV

EACS 2023: TDF/FTC dual-nuke ART: not supported by ALTAR study

Dolutegravir monotherapy still not recommended: 4-year follow up in early-treated durably suppressed participants

CD4:CD8 ratio recovery reduces with higher age when starting ART

IAS 2023: High rates of re-suppression with dolutegravir in the ADVANCE study

IAS 2023: Rapporteur summary Track D – social and behavioural science

WHO endorses “zero” transmission risk for people with HIV with an undetectable viral load

UK cascade data cautions UNAIDS 95:95:95 targets: re-engaging people in care

Selected webcasts from BHIVA 2023

ART increases life expectancy by 30 to 40 years: impact of CD4 count, sex and calendar year

CROI 2023: Yet more evidence for recycled tenofovir and 3TC or FTC with dolutegravir in second-line: 48 week results from the D2EFT study

More evidence for recycling tenofovir in second-line ART with dolutegravir: 72-week results from ARTIST study

Low level viral load on effective ART is linked to clonal expansion of reservoir: not affected by modifying ART

Integrase inhibitors associated with higher increases in CD4:CD8 ratio than PI- or NNRTI-based ART

Glasgow 2022: Better re-suppression after viral rebound with DTG-based ART compared to EFV- or PI-based regimens

AIDS 2022: Efficacy of DTG- vs EFV-based first-line ART in advanced HIV with CD4 <50 cells/mm3

Dolutegravir-based ART in children and adolescents: effective in six African countries

CROI 2022: NAMSAL study comparing DTG to EFV400 in Cameroon: week 192 results

CROI 2022: Updates from the VESTED study

CROI 2022: Switching to dolutegravir for adults on stable PI-based second-line ART

CROI 2022: Dolutegravir plus recycled tenofovir rather than switch to AZT: public health approach to second-line ART

EACS 2021: a call for collaborations and for both HIV and COVID-19 

CROI 2021: Dolutegravir with recycled tenofovir and lamivudine performs well second-line: primary results from the NADIA trial

Baseline NNRTI resistance linked to poorer response to first-line dolutegravir in the ADVANCE study      

Dolutegravir non-inferior to efavirenz at week 96 in the NAMSAL study but associated with substantial weight gain

Switching from efavirenz- to dolutegravir-based ART second-line achieved good rates of suppression: first results from the VISEND study

Early drugs being studied for COVID-19

Four days on, three days off is NOT as effective as daily ART: French study results need to be interpreted with caution

Dolutegravir-based first-line non-inferior to efavirenz-based ART but associated with substantial weight gain: results from the ADVANCE study

bNAb research at CROI 2019: vaccine, prevention, treatment and cure…

Dolutegravir/3TC dual ART is as effective at lowest viral load cut-off as triple therapy in GEMINI studies

Same-day ART is effective in San Francisco Rapid-ART clinic

Viral reservoir can explain persistent low level viraemia with good adherence on ART

Dolutegravir non-inferior to low dose efavirenz in real-life African study conducted in Cameroon  

Dual bNAb maintains viral suppression for median 21 weeks off-ART

Dolutegravir monotherapy: still no longer recommended in either research or clinical practice

Once-daily reduced dose darunavir/ritonavir (400 mg/100 mg) is non-inferior to twice-daily lopinavir/ritonavir in South African switch study  

M184V mutation associated with increased risk of viral blip but not viral failure with 3TC-based dual therapy

Early ART is not associated with a higher risk of HIV drug resistance

Dolutegravir-based dual therapy as switch option in multiple studies

Switch study shows F/TAF non-inferior to continuing abacavir/3TC

Dolutegravir outperforms lopinavir/ritonavir second-line: interim results from the DAWNING study

Immune-based therapy canakinumab reduces inflammatory markers in HIV positive people on ART

Increased risk of IRIS with integrase inhibitors reported in two studies

Dolutegravir monotherapy studies halted due to integrase resistance: dual therapy studies continue

Simplifying HIV treatment: dual therapy works but monotherapy with either boosted-PIs or dolutegravir does not

Atripla three days a week for two years: pilot switch study reports undetectable viral load with better bone, kidneys and sleep

Four day a week ART: sub-optimal drug levels but few virological failures

ZERO: no linked HIV transmissions in PARTNER study after couples had sex 58,000 times without condoms

CD4:CD8 ratio is more sensitive marker of risk than CD4 counts in analysis from START study

Treatment in primary HIV infection is significantly more likely to normalise CD4:CD8 ratio

Further results using dolutegravir monotherapy: urgent need for controlled studies

Potential economic impact of dolutegravir/3TC dual therapy

First-line ART with dolutegravir plus 3TC: 24-week early results

Achieving viral suppression with HIV multi-drug resistance: peg-interferon and valaciclovir as part of rescue therapy

Four reasons IAS 2015 will be a milestone HIV conference: a personal view

Starting HIV treatment at high CD4 counts protects against both AIDS and non-AIDS events: overall and in subgroup analyses of START study

The option for same day antiretroviral therapy on diagnosis: the future model for HIV care

Low dose boosted atazanavir is non-inferior to standard dose in Thai treatment optimisation study: LASA

HPTN 052: no HIV transmissions on effective ART but only limited data on viral failure and drug resistance

Early HIV treatment and isoniazid prophylaxis: why TEMPRANO results do not yet support universal ART at CD4 counts >500

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