US cancel phase 3 HIV vaccine trial

Following the failure of the STEP phase 3 vaccine, and after broad consultation, including with community groups (see HTB July/August 2008), the US-funded follow-on Phase 3 study (called PAVE 100) has been cancelled.

Detailed in a press statement, the US National Institute of Health (NIH) said that although a scaled down version of the study may still run to see whether this new but similar adenovirus candidate could impact on viral load in people who are infected post-vaccination, the shift in NIH funded vaccine research is towards supporting the basic research and vaccine discovery needed to design promising vaccine candidates.

Source: NIAID press statement: NIAID Will Not Move Forward with the PAVE 100 HIV Vaccine Trial. (17 July 2008)

Information about clinical HIV vaccine research supported by NIAID: ;recr=Open

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