October 2008
Volume 9 Number 9/10 Sep/Oct 2008
Special reports
10 key areas of research: non-technical summary of studies and presentations from Mexico
Conference reports
17th International AIDS Conference, 3-8 August 2008, Mexico City
Abacavir and heart disease: SMART study supports an abacavir-associated increased risk of cardiovascular disease
HAART use in pregnancy and preterm delivery and low birth weight
Reasons for mother to child transmission in England
New paediatric formulations of ARVs
3rd International Transmission Workshop, 1-2 August 2008, Mexico City
Intermittent tenofovir/FTC PrEP offers monkeys some protection
Tenofovir/FTC gel protects female monkeys from SHIV
Recently infected HIV-positive Quebec residents cause more than half of new cases
Common estimate of heterosexual HIV transmission risk sometimes far too low
EMEA state that animal studies support no increased risk of malignancy from contamination of nelfinavir (Viracept) with ethyl mesilate (EMS)
Antiretrovirals calculated to extend life expectancy by 35 years
Etravirine approved in Europe
Abacavir label updated in the US on use of B-5701 testing and cardiovascular risk
Ritonavir label updated in the US relating to cardiac arrhythmia reported in high-dose studies
Atazanavir label updated in the US relating to drug interactions with NNTRIs, hormonal contraceptives, midazolam, H2 receptor antagonists and other drugs
Treatment access
Brazil rejects Gilead patent on tenofovir
PEPFAR bill may lift US HIV travel and residency ban
Atripla to be licensed in Latin America and the Asia-Pacific region
FDA approval of generic ARVs
PEPFAR funding bill authorised by the US Senate
Tenofovir safe in pregnancy in macaque model
PK and drug interactions
Drug interaction reports from Liverpool University website
UK National Guidelines for HIV Testing 2008
UK Guidelines on the Management of HIV infection in Pregnant Women (2008) published
UK Guidelines on HIV Associated Malignancies (2008) published online
US paediatric guidelines updated (2008)
HIV prevention and transmission
Implications of transmission with undetectable HIV viral load: lower limit for HIV transmission excluded from model
Case report of sexual transmission when viral load suppressed to <50 copies/mL
HIV RNA is detectable in semen in 5% patients with undetectable blood plasma viral attending fertility clinic
Tenofovir gel as a rectal microbicide: evidence for protection and priming of T-cell responses in the SIV challenge model
Genetic protection against malaria may increase susceptibility to HIV infection in people of African decent
US CDC issue reports of false-positive oral rapid tests in New York HIV testing programme
Basic science and immunology
US cancel phase 3 HIV vaccine trial
Microbial translocation in immunological non-responders to ART
Other news
Detained Chinese AIDS activist quietly sentenced during Olympics
Free The Iranian HIV/AIDS Doctors!
Opportunity for doctor to work in Thailand
Ugandan activists acquitted of trespass charges after objecting to exclusion of sexual minorities from the national HIV/AIDS programme
On the web
IAVI Report
In defence of rational AIDS activism: how the irrationality of Act Up-Paris and others is risking the health of people with HIV or at risk of HIV infection
Conference abstracts and presentations
Latest global and country-level HIV/AIDS data
PRN notebook articles
PLoS Medicine articles
Mexico 2008: non-technical summary of 10 key areas of research PDF
Volume 9 Number 9/10 Sep/Oct 2008 PDF
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Stopping ART safely if your clinic is closed or runs out of meds: a practical guide
24 March 2025
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