Selected webcasts from BHIVA 2019

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

Most of the key presentations from BHIVA 2019, including oral abstracts and invited lectures, are available online.

Webcasts are for the whole session (rather than being separate for each talk) but these can be advanced until the right position is found. Please refer to the main programmed to estimate how far to advance these times.

A selection of talks is included below.

New hepatitis data: hepatitis C in people with and without HIV, lessons learned from the hepatitis A outbreak
Andrew Ustianowski, North Manchester General Hospital   (at 28 mins)

Declining HIV incidence: is it all good news?
Valerie Delpech, Public Health England  (at 56 mins)

Smoking: are e-cigarettes the solution?
Lion Shahab, University College London

Immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS)
Sarah Pett, MRC Clinical Trials Unit at UCL  (at 13 mins)

Pregnancy and breastfeeding
Catriona Waitt, University of Liverpool (at 42 mins)

Is rapid ART right for all? 
Simon Collins, HIV i-Base (at 1h:02 mins)

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.