Update on PrEP in Scotland

HIV Scotland newsletter

On 5th December 2016, Gilead submitted an application to the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC) for PrEP to be made available on the NHS in Scotland. [1]

The SMC have subsequently invited groups to make Patient Group Submissions by 6 February 2017, and will announce whether they approve of providing PrEP on the NHS in Scotland on 10 April 2017.

HIV Scotland are working together with Terrence Higgins Trust Scotland, SX and Waverley Care as part of the #PrEP4Scotland campaign to write a submission. To help us understand people’s experience of PrEP in Scotland and to gather questions people may have, we conducted an online survey that received more than 300 responses.

HIV Scotland is also working on a project to better understand the needs of heterosexual people in relation to PrEP. [2]


  1. HIV Scotland eBulletin. January 2017.
  2. HIV Scotland. PrEP and heterosexual people. (12 January 2017).

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.