HIV criminalisation: report from HIV Justice Network

On 29 May 2019 the HIV Justice Network published a progress report of achievements and challenges in global advocacy against HIV criminalisation from October 2015 to December 2018.

This includes clear evidence that the growing, global movement against HIV criminalisation has resulted in more advocacy successes than ever before. 

However, the number of unjust HIV criminalisation cases and HIV-related criminal laws across the world continue to increase, requiring more attention, co-ordinated advocacy, and funding.

The report is published on behalf of the network HIV Justuce Worldwide.

Although the full report is currently only available in English, a four-page executive summary is available now in English, French, Russian and Spanish.  The full report will be translated into these languages and made available later this summer.

Download links

Advancing HIV Justice 3: Growing the global movement against HIV criminalisation  (PDF)

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.