Sex, HIV and STIs during COVID-19 pandemic

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

HTB is focused on HIV and PrEP and also on sexual health in general. However, CoV-2 will affect everyone as an infection that can be spread during physical sex, at least if this involves being within six feet of your partners.

This will disproportionally affect people who do not have current sexual partners that they live with, people who are used to meeting partners online, in anonymous setting or on social media, and people whose job involves physical contact.

Many social media apps and HIV organisations are actively saying that the threat from CoV-2 outweighs the personal need for sexual contact.

The most effective information so far has been sex-positive – recognising the importance of sex for many people. For social contact, human contact and good mental, emotional and psychological health.

The next few months are also likely to further strain sexual health services as health workers and labs are reassigned to cover the response to COVID-19. Many clinics are already expecting to limit STI testing to people with symptoms.

This link to information provided by health services in NewYork City is especially good – and is being adapted for use in the UK. Further links will be added to this page.

Sex and COVID-19 (New York City)

This information (online as a PDF file) includes positive information about how to manage a safer approach to sex during the coronavirus health crisis.

It covers the safety of sex with yourself and of virtual sex including if your job currently includes sex work.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.