Q and A


How can I improve my CD4 count when I am already on treatment?

How to improve my CD4 count of 210? Is it dangerous at this stage? I was stressed and it has never been so low. I take daily Truvada (tenofovir and FTC) and Viramune (nevirapine). How can I improve it? Will more sleep help? I eat healty foods.

Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

I am sorry to hear that you are stressed at the moment and that it is affecting your CD4 count. A CD4 count of 210 isn’t bad at all and is nothing to worry about.

How long have you been on medication? If you have recently started then it is possible that as you continue taking your meds your CD4 count will increase. Trying to reduce your stress levels or learning to manage your stress better could also help.

Other things that can help to increase CD4 counts include the same things that are advised for general health. Try to eat a balanced diet, sleep well, exercise, stop smoking, and only use alcohol or recreational drugs in moderation.

It is also possible that your CD4 count is just fluctuating and that it will naturally go back up on its own. Either way it is nothing to worry about. Once you have started treatment the most important thing to monitor is your viral load. As long as that remains undetectable your treatment is working.


  1. Kevin

    Hi, I am 26 years old recently diagnosed with HIV. My CD4 count is 365. I just started HAART yesterday. I am on Efavirenz, Lamivudine and Tenofovir. So far I’ve had no other side effects except I am ALWAYS TIRED and sleepy. I used to be very active in sports. I play lawn tennis thrice a week. What can I do about my being sleepy all the time and when can I get back to playing? Also, does ARV cause a rise in libido?

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Yankie,

    A loss of appetite can be due to a lot of things. What meds are you taking? How long have you been taking them for?

  3. Yankie

    Good day I’m taking ARVs, but I don’t have appetite, is everything alright?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Dan,

    Because your CD4 is 11 its very important that you start treatment as soon as possible. In time your CD4 will rise and your viral load will drop.

    For more info about low CD4s and starting meds, please see the following links:



  5. dan

    My cd 4 count is 11 how do I boast it?

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi RK.

    If you want to control your HIV, then yes, being on meds is the best thing that you can do. This is even if you have a high CD4 count.

    Was your viral load 170,000 when you were diagnosed, or is this what it is now 2 months after treatment? I’m asking because if you’ve been on meds for 2 months your viral load shouldn’t be this high.

  7. R.K

    Am R.K

    My cd4 is 700 and V/L is 170000 and I start my medical since two months ago

    it’s right time to take medical ?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Samu,

    Because your VL is undetectable your CD4 results will have been a blip. If this had gone up then there would have been cause for concern.

  9. Samu

    H Lisa
    My V/L is still undetectable with less than 20 copies.

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tumi,

    If you aren’t eating properly this could explain the weight loss. Have you talk to your doctor about this?

    Because your viral load is undetectable, it means the meds are working and working well. With regards to your CD4 count, its very possible that this is a blip. For more info please see here:



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