Q and A


Can ARV treatment cause aching feet?


Yes, a side effect called peripheral neuropathy can cause aching feet, numbness and also pain.

Please see this link for more details.

It is caused mainly by two drugs:

  • d4t (stavudine)
  • ddI (didanosine)

If you are taking either of these drugs, speak to your doctor about changing them for alternatives. Do not stop the drugs though until you speak to your doctor.

Sometimes a lower dose of d4T can be used, but it is better to change to a completely different drug.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Gcobisa, how long have you been off HIV treatment and do you know your CD4 count and viral load?

    Why are you in hospital? and are you being investigated by the doctors?

  2. Gcobisa

    I default hiv treatment I’m sick at hospital my feet are swallow what is the cause

  3. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Radebe, i-base are not doctors and cannot provide medical advice. Please speak with your doctor about treatment options for helping with this itching.

  4. Radebe

    Can you please help me with the treatment to take for itching of feet and other parts of my body.

  5. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Issac, what is the name of the ARVs you have started? and is this the first time you have been taking ARVs?

    Have you noticed pain anywhere else? or has anything else changed in the last week that could have caused this pain e.g., injury, infection or other conditions like diabetes?

    Have you mentioned this pain to your doctor? and how is it affecting you e.g., are you able to still walk or is the pain unbearable?

  6. Isaac

    After taking arv for week my feet pain


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