Q and A


How long can someone live with HIV?

How long can a man live with HIV if he was around 18 years old and was healthy when he was infected, both with and without medication?


Modern HIV drugs mean that life expectancy is now similar for HIV positive people to the general population.

This is based on being diagnosed early and having access to treatment.

The wide range of factors related to life expectancy include: where you live, your income, access to health care, lifestyle (alcohol, drugs, tobacco, exercise and diet) and other infections like hepatitis, genetics and chance – good or bad luck.

Several large studies have been published showing that life expectancy for HIV positive people is very good, and near to an HIV negative person.

Without treatment, HIV will slowly progress in nearly everyone. This speed that HIV progresses varies from a few years to more than 20 years.

Note: this answer was updated in January 2018 from a question posted in August 2008..


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Tinyiko,

    When were you diagnosed with HIV? If it was after your pregnancy, then no she won’t be positive.

  2. Tinyiko

    I have a girl she’s 7 years old, I’m HIV positive, is there any chance she could be positive?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Muhammad,

    Have you had your CD4 tested and your viral load?If you aren’t positive, then you don’t need to be on meds .

  4. Muhammad

    I am tested HIV positive but after I started the drugs after three months I did the test again and I am negative and after another three months again I re-do the test again I am negative but still I didn’t stop taken my medication what should I do?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Garrey,

    Do you know what your mothers CD4 count is? Has she started treatment? Is she getting any support?

    If you think that she may have had HIV for a long time, you will need to test. Only testing can say if a person is positive or not.

  6. garrey

    my mom, recently she is diagnosed with HIV. she’s 49 yrs old (life shattering news) . and m 20 yrs old now. is it possible that I’ve also got it?

  7. charles

    you can espect to live a normal life, all the new studies are saying that the expectation of life of someone infected, its almost the same of someone non infected.
    allways you are on traetment

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Carter,

    ARVs in most countries are free. However, in others you would need health insurance. If you could tell me which country you live in, I’ll be able to help you.

  9. Carter Love

    Also are ARVs and other HIV prevention drugs expensive ?

  10. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Carter,

    HIV is now a very manageable health condition, and one that is easy to treat. If you other tests confirm that you’re positive, please get back in touch. In the mean time a lot of question that you may have are covered here:



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