Q and A


Are there any updates on cure research?

Can anyone please give true and up to date on the progress toward curing HIV?



Thank-you for your question.

There is certainly a lot of very interesting research currently underway looking at a future cure for HIV. Whilst a lot of this research is very exciting it is unlikely that we will see a cure very soon. In practice, whether the cure comes from eradication or from finding a way to control HIV without the need for drugs, this is likely to be at least ten years away.

So for now, the tremendous advances in treatment will be able to keep most of us alive for decades if necessary until that happens. Treatment may not be ideal, but it is lifesaving and a very good holding strategy until the cure gets here.

For recent updates you may wish to take a look at the CROI website. CROI is an annual conference which looks at the latest HIV research. This link will take you to a search page where you can look for recent cure research. It’s quite technical but you may find it interesting.

This link will take you to a recent similar question on our website, which has been answered in more detail.


  1. Robin Jakob


    Centrum is OK to take with HIV meds so you would not expect any problems from using them together. It is always a good idea, though, to make sure that your doctor is aware of any medications, supplements or alternative therapies you are using.

  2. malungie

    Am a woman of 40 I am HIV positive since last year. My CD4 was 276 and had gone down to 228. I started treatment in January and am waiting on new results. I’m not sick and don’t have any signs of symptoms. My question is can I take a booster like Centrum if am on HIV treatment


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