Q and A


Will a cold affect my CD4 and VL tests?

Due to my busy schedule I must get my current bloodwork completed this week for my appointment with my doctor in three weeks.

I am concerned because I have had a cough and cold. Will this have a negative impact on my VL and CD4 results?

My last results 4 months ago were: VL- undetectable and CD4-650. Thank you.


Thanks for your question.

Your CD4 count and viral load can be affected by other viruses, such as the flu or herpes. It is possible therefore that your test results might be affected by your cough and cold.

If there is any change in your CD4 count you should be able to check your CD4 percentage to check if this is significant. Follow this link for more information about CD4%.

It’s possible that your viral load could ‘blip’ above undetectable because of an infection. If your viral load has increased you should have another test to check the result.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Anonymous,

    Its very possible that your CD4 count could be affected due to you being ill. It could also be affected if you’re stressed and run down. Also CD4s do fluctuate and that’s evening throughout the course of the day.

    What was it the last time you had it tested?

  2. anonymous

    I’m HIV positive.. today was my date for blood…I felt like I was catching flu and I’m weak..Will this influence my CD4 result.?


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