Q and A


Am I wasting my time reading about cure research?

I look regularly to see the advances in HIV vaccine and cure news. Am I wasting my time?

Every time I read something new I become hopeful, but always end up disappointed when I hear it may never happen.

I know many share my frustration and sadness. What are we to do?



Thank-you for your email. I’m sorry to hear you are feeling so frustrated.

Although it can be frustrating waiting for a cure, I’m sure one day it will happen. Science has a way of solving most problems. If not now, then it will happen in the future.

It is very difficult challenge for HIV though, because the virus becomes part of the genetic material of immune cells. Some of these cells, once infected, rest or sleep for many years. Currently HIV drugs only work in cells that are active or awake, but research is looking at ways of targeting those sleeping cells.

I think a cure is a long way off, but until then there is very effective HIV treatment which allows HIV positive people to live long and healthy lives. It’s not a cure, but treatment have improved so much over the past 30 years- and there are lots of new treatments in development.

Following research is a good was to keep informed – both for newer treatments and for research into vaccines and a cure. But while it’s good to keep up to date on developments in HIV, it’s important not to expect any sudden advances. Try to focus on making plans to get the most from life now, rather than waiting for a cure to come.


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