Q and A


My sister is 5 months pregnant and HIV+

my sister has 5 th month pregnancy & is HIV+.

Her cd4 : 535 & VL:,1,33,000 .

She started ART ( TDF+ 3TC+ EFV ). ART period is only 4 months before delivery. & planned caesarian operation.
1) vL is reduced in 3 to 4 months of using ART is undectable?
2) any 4th drug(raltegravier) using one month course?

What is the sources of uninfected baby. sir please give yours valuable suggestions.



Thank you for your email. Has your sister just been diagnosed? Does she have any support?

Women who are HIV+ with a high CD4 count (over 350) usually start treatment by 24 weeks of pregnancy. This is about 5.5 months. So your sister has started at about the right time. There is a very good chance that she will have an undetectable viral load by the time she gives birth. This is the best way to protect her baby from being infected.

Because treatment has been started in good time it is unlikely that a fourth drug would be added.

If your sister plans to stop ART after birth it is important that this is done carefully as it is possible that if she stopped these three drugs at the same time she could develop drug resistance.

Please see this page in our pregnancy guide for more information. Please also let me know if you have any questions.


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