Access to formula milk for HIV-positive mothers in the UK

The British HIV Association (BHIVA) is aware that new mothers leave their birth hospital with a starter pack including a supply of formula milk.

However HIV positive mothers seem mostly to fall on their own resources thereafter, although there is funding available from some trusts, charities and groups.

BHIVA are interested to hear whether accessing resources for formula milk is a problem in your area and for any suggestions that you may have as to how this situation could be improved or solved.

In addition, we are trying to find out whether it is possible know if you are able to apply for such support through your clinical management path to the trust in your area and, if BHIVA were to recommend this, would it be helpful?

BHIVA would like to collect comments to the BHIV secretatiat. If you have any queries, or require any further information, please do not hesitate to contact me through the Secretariat.

Dr Ian G Williams,

Chair, British HIV Association (BHIVA)

Secretariat: Mediscript Ltd, 1 Mountview Court, 310 Friern Barnet Lane, London N20 0LD

T: +44 (0)20 8369 5380

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