50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy (ICAAC), 12–-15 September 2010, Boston

ICAAC is a large antimicrobial conference and HIV studies often are not a sufficiently large part of the programme for i-Base to be able to attend this annual US meeting.

Many of the oral presentations were similar to the main studies reported from the International AIDS Conference held in July in Vienna.

The limited studies here were largely reported from abstracts online, or are included thanks to reports from NATAP.

ICAAC remains one of the most backward conferences in terms of democratising access to medical studies. There are no web cast session, online poster access requires conference registration and login and abstracts are not archieved for free access.

For a limited period, abstracts from the conference are published on the conference website. Access is via the ‘conference planner’ resource.


Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.