12th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Co-Morbidities in HIV, 4-–6 November 2010, London

This annual workshop continues to be an important forum for its focus on the potential mechanisms behind lipodystrophy and metabolic complications.

The meeting programme includes plenary lectures on HIV related comorbidities by international speakers from outside the HIV field.

This year these included:

  • Vitamin D insufficiency and its immune and metabolic consequences – John Adams
  • Intestinal microflora and low grade metabolic inflammation – Remy Burcelin
  • The effect of inflammation on lipid and lipoprotein metabolism – Kenneth Feingold
  • Neuroimaging: HIV-related neurocognitive impairment and HIV-related disorders – Rolf Jäger
  • Body composition, fat and bone: What’’s the connection to drugs and HIV – Clifford Rosen
  • Adverse Drug Reactions in the Treatment of HBV-monoinfection – Heiner Wedemeyer

Meeting abstracts, published as a supplement to Antiviral Therapy are available to download from a direct link on the conference website:

Webcasts are available at:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.