BASHH/BHIVA PEPSE guidelines for comment (2011)

Draft UK national guideline on HIV PEPSE 2011 are available for consultation until 5th June 2011.

UK guideline for the use of post-exposure prophylaxis for HIV following sexual exposure

Clinical Effectiveness Group, British Association for Sexual Health and HIV

Scope and Purpose:

The main objective is to ensure the appropriate use of post-exposure prophylaxis (PEP) following potential sexual exposure (PEPSE) to HIV as a potential method of preventing HIV infection.

This guideline offers recommendations on the potential use of PEPSE, the circumstances in which it may be recommended, the treatment regimens which may be recommended and the appropriate use of subsequent diagnostic tests to measure individual outcome. These guidelines are intended to be complementary to the existing DH/EAGA guidance on PEP.

It is aimed primarily at clinicians and policy-makers in sexual health, primary and emergency care within the United Kingdom who should consider the development of appropriate local pathways. It is likely that this guideline will be used by voluntary sector agencies in providing information for individuals who may potentially be exposed to HIV during sexual activity.

Comments should be sent to the CEG guideline lead Dr Keith Radcliffe, marked ‘PEPSE’:

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