Guide to HIV and HCV coinfection (November 2013)

new HCV cover 2013This issue of HTB includes as a supplement the i-Base guide to HIV and HCV coinfection.

This major revision has been updated to include:

  • The development of new directly acting HCV drugs, recognising the importance of the HCV pipeline and how rapidly this is likely to change treatment options.
  • The move to use FibroScan instead of biopsy, especially in the UK.
  • The ongoing issue of sexual transmission of HCV in the UK, especially among HIV positive gay men.
  • A section on areas of controversy for areas where ongoing research may change management in the near future.

View the guide online or download a PDF here

As with all i-Base publications, the printed guide is free, including in bulk to clinics in the UK. Please order online.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.