8th International Workshop on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis and Prevention Research in Resource-Poor Settings (INTEREST), 5-6 May 2014, Lusaka, Zambia

The 8th International Workshop on HIV Treatment, Pathogenesis and Prevention Research in Resource-Poor Settings (INTEREST) was held in Lusaka this year.

The workshop includes presentations from and for participants mainly from African countries. This years meeting included a number of studies by Zambian researchers.

Presentations this year included plenary talks, abstracts, overviews and discussions. Topics included WHO guidelines, antiretrovirals, cure, hormonal contraception, resistance in Africa, pregnancy and PMTCT and PrEP.

Workshop materials including the programme and abstracts are online.

The abstracts of the 8th INTEREST are published in Reviews in Antiviral Therapy & Infectious Diseases 2014_3, and are available in PDF format online.
http://regist2.virology-education.com/abstractbook/2014_3.pdf (PDF)

The slides are online at:

Articles in this issue of HTB are:

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