XXIV International HIV Drug Resistance Workshop
, 21-22 February 2015, Seattle, Washington

HDRW logoThis was the first year that the International Drug Resistance Workshop has been held before CROI and the programme has returned to focus on HIV drug resistance, having for several previous years covered both HIV and hepatitis.

Importantly, the meeting continues to focus implications of drug resistance globally, especially in the context of resource-limited settings where treatment options are fewer, access to viral load testing is limited and resistance testing is only generally only available in a research setting.

These brief reports include a selection of short summaries that related to clinical implications of drug resistance.

Abstract are published as a supplement in Global Antiviral Journal, Volume 11, Supplement 1 and the abstract book is available to download free in PDF format:
https://www.informedhorizons.com/resistance2015/pdf/RW2015_Book.pdf (PDF)

PowerPoint slides from many of the oral presentations are also available:

Reports included in this issue of HTB are:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.