CROI webcasts online

CROI logoAs an educational resource, oral presentations from CROI 2015 are available as webcasts the day after the studies were presented.

Access is free, and without the need to register.

First to go online are about 20 lectures that are part of a pre-conference workshop for young researchers. These talks are given by leading experts are provide excellent state-or-the-art overviews on key HIV related topics.

Talks are available in various formats and includes video+slides, audio+slide and mp3 versions.

Presentations from the opening ceremony on Monday evening included a moving tribute to Joep Lange and Jacqueline Van Tongeren, and other passengers who lost their lives on the Malaysia flight 17. Also included is the overview of ART – past, present and future – by David Cooper – a long standing and leading Australian doctor and researcher.

From Tuesday, the presentations from the session on prevention strategies include the PROUD and IPERGAY presentations that we reported in full yesterday.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.