BHIVA Autumn Conference 2015, 12-13 November 2015, London

QE2 conference centre londonThis year the BHIVA Autumn meeting was notable for highlighting the current differences between clinical guidelines and the current commissioning policy.

Such is the importance of this difference that for the first time BHIVA are now adopting a proactive approach to challenge the commissioners.

It is notable that many doctors were openly saying they will use the option to prescribe treatment as prevention (TasP) in order to overcome the commissioning restriction on prescribing ART at CD4 counts >350 cells/mm3.

The programme from the meeting is available from the BHIVA website.

As with all BHIVA conferences, webcasts of the oral presentations are available as a free educational resource, especially for those who were unable to attend the meeting.

Slides from each talk are also available to download.

Reports from the meeting include reviws of nine selected webcasts.

  1. BHIVA treatment guidelines 2016: important changes compared to commissioning guidelines.
  2. Implementing PrEP within a sexual health clinic.
  3. HIV and ageing – a review of the evidence.
  4. The importance of peer support in HIV care.
  5. Smoking cessation – a review for HIV management.
  6. The disclosure of an HIV positive adult to their HIV negative child.
  7. Osteoporosis and HIV.
  8. Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT): managing HIV through the menopause.
  9. Stigma Index Study: a continued issue in the UK.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.