01 May 2018: vol 19 no 8: BHIVA/BASHH reports

This 1st May issue of HTB celebrates International Workers Day with news from the 4th Joint BHIVA/BASHH Conference held in Edinburgh from 17 to 20 April 2018.

The joint meeting had many highlights with more than 400 research studies as either oral presentations or posters.

While these first reports focus on some of the headline news, we will include addtional poster coverage in the next issue.

Perhaps most important was a survey that showed how sexual health services are unable to meet current demand. While difficulty in getting an appointment has been an increasing problem for many clinics, a simple snapshort survey from November 2017 showed how serious this has become.

Other news includes the launch of the new BHIVA Standards of Care and key changes that are expected in the upcoming UK pregnancy guidelines – together with a review of other pregnancy studies.

Other reports cover dolutegravir, TAF, generics in the UK and oral STIs – and find out why one of the catchiest hashtags from the meeting became “We Love Kissing”.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.