HTB 19 June 2019: vol 20 no 7 – PK Workshop, UK PrEP £17.50 a bottle

This issue of HTB mainly includes reports from the 20th International Workshop on Clinical Pharmacology of HIV, Hepatitis, and Other Antiviral Drugs.

This includes drug interactions with efavirenz with TB drugs and contraceptive implants.

Two other reports look at dolutegravir exposure in breastmilk and a detailed review of antiretroviral PK during pregnancy.

PrEP news in the UK hits a milestone with prices dropping to levels that are broadly affordable for many people. Both Dean Street PrEP Shop and online supplies are selling generic TD/FTC for around £20 for 30 tablets.

Finally, we highlight several reports from other organisations, including an excellent review of HIV criminalisation globally from the HIV Justice Network.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.