HTB 17 July 2019 online: IAS 2019, HIV pipeline, gene-cure mice…

This slim issue of HTB includes a hint of what to expect from the upcoming 10th IAS Conference on HIV Science (IAS 2019) in Mexico City.

The EMA has also approved the fixed dose dual combination of dolutegravir/lamivudine (and expect IAS 2019 to include more data on this combination).

This and other compounds in the HIV pipeline are included in the i-Base 2019 Pipeline report, and we include the full report as a supplement.

IAS-USA have updated their guidelines on mutations associated with HIV drug resistance.

Richard Jefferys provides expert analysis both on the recent report of gene editing being used to cure mice and the inability of mainstream press to report this accurately.

Appropriately for the summer holiday season, USAIDS calls again for lifting all HIV-related travel restrictions. If you are travelling, the list of countries to avoid is included.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.