17th European AIDS Conference (EACS 2019)

6–9 November, 2019

The 17th biennial European AIDS Conference was held in Basel from 6 to 9 November 2019.

This issue of HTB continues our coverage.

The programme with links to abstracts is online:


and also


https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/epdf/10.1111/hiv.12814 (PDF)

Slides and webcasts are already available as open access on the EACS library website
after the conference although only for three months for non-EACS members.


Articles from the conference included in HTB are:

  • Capsid inhibitor GS-6207: potential for 6 monthly dosing for MDR HIV
  • Dolutegravir/lamivudine as dual ART
  • Weight changes with doravirine-based first line therapy
  • Bone and renal changes in the ADVANCE trial

6 – 9 November 2019, Basel


The 17th biennial European AIDS Conference was held in Basel from 6 to 9 November 2019.

This conference always covers important European research but also focuses on key themes. This year included the question of weight gain with integrase inhibitors and the relative advantages of using two-drug vs three-drug ART. Social issues included treatment for migrant communities and differences between western and eastern Europe – and many sessions included simultaneous translation into Russian.

The conference was not without a few problems, including some rooms not being large enough and a move to electronic posters that were only viewable on interactive monitors. This made the sessions and posters difficult to either view or report and limited the chance to talk to researchers.

However, the posters are now already online and they have been formatted in a way that is easier to enlarge and view different sections. Each poster is also available to download and view as complete PDF files (from a link under the comments section underneath).

The programme, with links to abstracts is online:

Slides and webcasts are already available as open access on the EACS library website, although only for three months for non-EACS members.

By the end of the conference, many webcasts have been posted online, which are searchable from the link below (though not hyperlinked from the conference planner).

The community talk given by Alex Schneider in the opening session was notable for the first focus on eliminating stigma, which was another theme throughout the meeting, including for the community march though Basel on Friday afternoon.

Articles from the conference included in this issue of HTB are:

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.