HTB 15 November 2019 online

This edition of HTB leads with two reports from EACS 2019: the launch of the major update to the EACS guidelines and a detailed review of weight gain in the randomised ADVANCE study, especially in women using both dolutegravir and TAF.

We also include reports on frailty, cannabis and vaping (separate articles) from the 10th International Workshop on HIV and Ageing.

Futher reports from both meetings will also be included in the next issue of HTB.

The monoclonal antibody ibalizumab now has EU approval, and we include a comment that fostemsavir is also available on named patient access: people failing ART on their last combination are likely to need both drugs.

Richard Jefferys contributes two articles on HIV persistance and stem cell editing in cure research. And, almost fake news – but real – the US government is pursuing patent rights for use of TDF and TAF as PrEP.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.