i-Base printed resources: please order now while stocks last

Simon Collins, HIV i-Base

This year i-Base is restructuring to be able to sustain key services over the next few years.

This includes giving up our London office and running virtually.

Unless we are able to share distribution costs with other organisations, this means we will no longer distribute printed booklets and leaflets.

Printed resources: leaflets and guides

Giving up the i-Base office will also make it difficult to continue to supply printed resources, unless this is funded with a new grant.

In practice, many clinics no longer display community resources, or they signpost to information online. But we still worry about people who have limited access to online information or who still prefer printed information.

i-Base is trying to link with other organisations to perhaps share costs for running a postal distribution service, but so far this has not been successful.

  • Please order any resources now using this link as publications will no longer be available after mid-August.


Funding challenges

As with many other organisations, funding is always difficult.

i-Base still provides free booklets and leaflets to UK clinics, even though this has never been directly funded. Instead we fund most print and distribution costs from unrestricted funding, which has become more difficult.

Very few funders want to support ongoing services, often wanting to prioritise short-term projects. New projects often restrict budgets from including organisation running costs and staffing even when these are essential to any new project.

The link below includes more details of other changes at i-Base this year.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.