Volume 10 Number 1/2 Jan/Feb 2009

Welcome to the January/February 2009 issue of HTB, the first issue in our tenth volume.

It is both somewhat sobering to find ourselves the most widely distributed HIV-specific print journal for healthcare professionals in the UK, and also something of an achievement for this to be provided free.

We now also distribute a southern African edition (HTB South) in association with the Southern African Clinicians Society, which is distributed to over 15,000 health workers in the region.

We lead this issues with conference coverage from two meetings from the end of last year: the 9th International Congress held in Glasgow and the 10th International Workshop on Adverse Drugs Reactions and Lipodystophy (IWADRL).

Both these meetings continue to be a focus for important research and it is important that the results from the Antiretroviral Pregnancy Register were first presented here.

As we go to press, the annual Conference on Retroviruses an Opportunistic Infections is about to start, which is sure to provide plenty to report in the next issue.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.