10th International Workshop on Adverse Drug Reactions and Lipodystrophy in HIV, 6-8 November 2008, London, UK

Reports from the meeting.


This annual workshop continues to retain its importance as an important focus for research and discussions between scientists, researchers, clinicians and patient advocates, and expert in a wide range of comorbidities from outside the HIV field.

The research covered by this annual workshop has gradually expanded beyond lipodystrophy to include complications relating to other metabolic changes, cardiovascular, renal and bone disease, hepatitis coinfection and cancer.

We include two overviews from this years conference, both from long-standing researchers involved in the meeting – Jacqueline Capeau (from CDR Saint-Antoine, Inserm, Paris) and Michael Dubé (from University of Southern California). Both reports are based on articles from natap.org. We also include a summary of a community research project that highlights why the original focus of the meeting remains as important as ever.

  • Report from the 10th IWADRLH by Jacqueline Capeau
  • Report from the 10th IWADRLH by Michael Dubé
  • Impact of body changes on the quality of life of HIV-positive treatment experienced patients: an online community-based survey

Webcasts from the 10th Workshop are available online including two short video webcasts from the Organising Committee discussing the 10th Workshop and reviewing the history of the meeting.


Abstracts are published in a supplement of Antiviral Therapy 2008, 13, suppl 4. The indication close to the name of the first author refers to the page in this supplement.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.