Volume 8 Number 1/2 January/February 2007

Welcome to out first double-issue of 2007.

We lead with Gareth Hardy’s detailed review of recent research on the impact of HIV on gut mucosa – an area of that has become increasingly important in understanding the immunological effects from HIV infection.

We also include a round-up of articles and reviews about antiretrovirals news and issues relating to treatment access.

An important report by Polly Clayden, analyses the recently published results from use of single-dose nevirapine in programmes preventing mother to child transmission, especially in respect to the impact of resistance developed during the MTCT programme on future ARV treatment for the mothers own health.

Some scientific responses have decided to drawn final conclusions from this very limited data, with some problematic methodology. Read the full artcile to understand why these conclusions may still be very premature.

Our next issue will cover reports from the Conference on Retroviruses and Opportunistic Infections held at the end of February.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.