Volume 6 Number 5 May 2005

The lead article in this issue provides an overview of lymphogranuloma venereum (LGV) and an update of recent cases in the UK.

Although this is still a rare incidence of LGV in gay men and MSM, the symptoms are extremely debilitating if untreated, and yet respond promptly to a simple course of antibiotics.

LGV was the focus of presentations at the BHIVA Spring conference in Dublin that stressed the importance of treatment for similar symptoms, even if a diagnosis is not confirmed or available. Awareness of the additional information and the surveillance system that was established at the end of 2004 by the Health Protection Agency is clearly important for all GU treating physicians.

This issue of HTB also includes excellent reports by Mark Mascolini from the Third European Resistance Workshop, that include important new data on the resistance profile of tipranavir.

His additional articles on the NATAP.org website, from which these articles are selected are highly recommended additional reading.

Distributed with this issue of HTB are the new i-Base guides to HIV, Pregnancy and Women’s Health; and Changing Treatment: what to do when your combination fails.

Both these guides are non-technical, easy-to-understand guides to treatment, written for HIV-positive people to be more informed about their treatment options.

All i-Base publications are free, please order them in bulk for your clients and patients using the fax-back order form on the back page, or easier still, directly from out new website.

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.