The 39th Annual Meeting of the European Association for the Study of the Liver (39th EASL)

14-18 April 2004, Berlin, Germany

Although coinfection with HIV only covered a minority of the studies presented at the 39th EASL, reports on new drugs to treat HBV or HCV monoinfection indicate the most hopeful pipeline for coinfected patients.

Full abstracts from the meetings are not available on the conference website, but coverage of many of the HIV and hepatitis coinfection and new agent studies have been grouped by subject and are reported or included as abstracts on the website:

Extensive coverage, again grouped by subject, is also provided on the NATAP website:

These include:

  • Albuferon: new HCV drug dosed every 2-4 weeks by subcutaneous injection
  • Model to predict outcome of Pegasys plus ribavirin therapy
  • Small, unrandomised study compares Pegasys to PegIntron
  • Daily cannabis smoking as a risk factor for fibrosis progression in chronic hepatitis C
  • Long-term outcome of HBeAg-negative patients with cirrhosis treated with lamivudine monotherapy: a 5 year prospective cohort

Links to other websites are current at date of posting but not maintained.