
July/August HTB now online

HTB JulAug 2017e coverThe latest issue of HTB is now online.

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This summer edition of HTB includes the first coverage from the IAS conference and Paediatric Workshop held in Paris in July.

Most of these reports focus on ART including the next likely drugs in the ARV pipeline (see the supplements with this issue), but also on remission cases linked to cure research and the results of the Opposites Attract study.

Other ARV news includes the FDA approval of the first generic integrase-based fixed dose combination (FDC) that will significantly change treatment options in countries with access to generic drugs.

And as the controversial PrEP study commissioned by NHS England looks set to enrol the first participants we point out that this is almost three years since the UK PROUD study reported the greatest impact from any HIV prevention study.

Finally, supply issues of vaccines for hepatitis A and B have prompted joint responses from PHE, BHIVA and BASHH, reported here with additional links.

Please also consider helping with our funding appeal to support i-Base for the next year.

Read this issue online.

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