Q and A


I’m 4 months pregnant and taking Tribuss. Should i have a C- section?

I am 4 months pregnant and taking Tribuss. I have an undetectable viral load and a CD4 of 465. SHould i change meds or is it ok to keep taking Tribuss? What is the safest way to deliver, should i have a C-section?



Thank you for your enquiry. Congratulations on your pregnancy!

Many women safely have babies at CD4 like yours. It is great that you are on treatment and it is fine that is Tribuss. The treatment should mean that you have an undetectable viral load by the time you give birth. This means that you can deliver naturally rather than having a C-section. This is now the most common way for HIV positive mothers to deliver their babies.

You can find more information on HIV and pregnancy in our online guide.


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Linah,

    The quicker you start meds, the more chance you have that your viral load will become undetectable. This is important as this will reduce the risk of transmission to your baby. And yes, its definitely not too late to start. Please see here for more info:


  2. linah


    I’m 24 weeks pregnant and my cd4 is 756 with viral load of 1900. I will there be any difference in saving my baby from getting infected if I start tribuss now?

  3. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Modiehi,

    Its not possible to say if your baby will be positive or not. You are though doing the best thing to reduce the risk of transmission by being on meds. For more about HIV and pregnancy, please see here:


  4. Modiehi

    I’ve just been diagnosed with HIV. I’m 32 weeks pregnant. Will my baby be OK? I’m now on medication?

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Sthe,

    Because you’re 26 weeks pregnant, you still have plenty of time to get your viral load down to undetectable levels. Therefore, try and relax and enjoy your pregnancy.

    Is there any reason why you’ve already decided to have a c-section?

    No one can say for sure if your baby is going to be OK. However, you’re doing the right thing by being on meds. For more about HIV and pregnancy, please see here:


  6. Sthe

    I’m 26 week’s pregnant I just started taking tribuss and I’m gonna deliver c/section my cd4 is300 and viral load 24000 I’m worried about my baby if is gonna come out + or _

  7. Simon Collins

    Hi Julia, please talk to your doctor about ay worries about your pregnancy. Tribuss will not be related to this. Not everyone gets side effects. This just mean you are lucky – the meds are still working.

  8. Julia

    Hi, I’m four months pregnant and have been on Tribuss for four days. My worry is that I’m not feeling my baby’s movements since taking the pill..and also, I haven’t had any side effects thus far..what could this mean?

  9. Robin Jakob


    Yes, taking Tribuss will help prevent you baby becoming positive. It will also be good for your health!

  10. Lina

    i am 14 weeks pregnant should I take tribuss


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