Q and A


Do I need to stop or change my HIV drugs if I want to become pregnant?

Thank you again for the information you provide on this site.

I am currently taking the following medication Kivexa (abacavir+3TC), Reyataz (atazanavir) and Norvir (ritonavir) all once a day.

What are the chances of having a normal baby with this combination?

I read in one the sites that when one is taking this combination they need to wait a year or so before planning a pregnancy. what are the chances of the child becoming deformed?

Should I start thinking of changing my combination now, because I wanted to have my baby end of 2009?

Is there any other advice that you recommend with regards to my dilemma? Thank you again.


None of the drugs in your combination need to be changed if you are thinking of becoming pregnant.

Your chance of your baby being born without HIV is mainly linked to your viral load when the baby is born. When viral load is undetectable the risk of transmitted HIV to your baby is less than 1%.

The only HIV drug that includes a recommendation to not be used during pregnancy is Sustiva (efavirenz).

The i-Base guide to HIV, Pregnancy and Women’s Health has a lot more information that you may find useful.

If you have other questions please get back to us.


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