
Can you have an abortion if you’re on ARVs?

I’m positive and pregnant. I want to have an abortion, will be being on ARVs be an issue?


Thanks for getting in touch.

Yes you can have an abortion if you’re on ARVs. This isn’t an issue.


  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Rolanda, congratulations on your pregnancy. Yes it is possible to continue.

    How are you feeling about being HIV positive and now starting treatment?

    You are still early in your pregnancy and being on treatment for the next few months will help to reduce the risk of transmission to as low as possible. When taking treatment will transmission risk can fall to below 1%.

    Many women all over the world find out about their status during pregnancy and treatment for both you and baby means most women will go on to have healthy HIV negative baby’s.

    More information about treatment for baby after birth can be found here:

  2. Rolanda

    I am 15 weeks pregnant n I just got diagnosed in two days time n I started my ARV in yesterday but I want to abort the pregnancy is it pos?

  3. Simon Collins

    Hi Linda, please talk to your doctor as soon as you can. In the UK people can have an abortion up until 24 weeks but it is much better to do this earlier.

    As you are now at 16 weeks, you still have time for this. If you are outside the UK, I don’t know about options in your country but this link has more info from the UK NHS:

    I hope you are ok and that everything works out ok.

  4. Linda

    I want to do abortion I’m 4 months pregnant it’s a problem

  5. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Modesta,

    Sorry we are not doctors at i-Base. Please can you talk to the doctor at the clinic?

  6. Modesta

    Can i able to do abortion am on ARVs please help me if i can can you advise me where can i go

  7. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Getty Ma,

    Please can you talk to your doctor about this.

  8. Getty ma

    I want to do abortion but am on ARVs 4 weeks pregnant it’s the 3th one

  9. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Charmaine,

    Your baby will be tested for HIV DNA or RNA. These tests look for virus in the baby’s blood. That’s because all babies have their mothers antibodies, so the antibody test will be positive.

    In the UK, it is good practice to test the baby for HIV on the day she or he is born. The test is repeated after six weeks and again at three months.

    If all these tests are negative, and you are not breastfeeding your baby, then your baby does not have HIV.

    You can read more about this in the guide to HIV, pregnancy and women’s health.

  10. Charmaine

    My baby tested negative when he was born n at 3 months, what are the chances of him being HIV positive


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