
Do I need to tell my employer about my status, I’m in the UK.

Do you need to informer your employer if your HIV positive and work in a school? I’d never put pupils at risk but love my job and want to continue it.


Thanks for getting in touch.

No you don’t need to tell your employer that you’re living with HIV. Even if you did, as you live in the UK they couldn’t treat you any differently due to the UK’s equal opportunities  laws and policies.

Keep doing the work that you love.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi SW,

    I’m sorry to hear about your recent diagnosis. Testing HIV positive can be a shock for all of us. But please see this link to if you have just found out you’re HIV positive.

    And it’s great that you’ve started ART. The ARVs in ART get to work very quickly. They dramatically reduce viral load by over 90% in the few first days and weeks. Please see this page from ART in Pictures for a graph that shows how it works.

    However, it sounds like your boss is helpful. It’s a good idea to keep safe. Please let us know how it goes.

  2. SW

    I told my bosses boss she informed my manager and that was that nothing was discussed I only found out start of Feb I had it .. it was a huge shock.
    Now we have this pandemic and the whole social distancing business because I still have a detectable viral load I only started ART Feb 27th i was in the vulnerable category and it was reccomended to socially distance. As my role at work is a key worker I am now on special leave for 3 months after my boss rang and said keep safe..


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