My CD4 is 124, can I have a baby?
27 October 2020. Related: All topics, Pregnancy.
My CD4 count in May was 124. I take my meds every day. When is it a good time to have a baby?
Thanks for getting in touch.
When thinking about having a baby when you’re positive, your viral load is more important than your CD4 count. It is up to a woman to decide when they would like to try for a baby.
For example, the UK HIV pregnancy guidelines say that so long at the CD4 count is above 1 cell/mm3 it is still okay to become pregnant.
Having an undetectable viral load reduces the risk to a baby. Please see this link for more information:Â
Hi Joj9,
Please see the following: If your viral load is less than 1.7, or 50copies ml, this means that your viral load is undetectable. Your HIV is under control.
1,6 -7 log /mL meaning