
Can I breastfeed for the first few days and then switch to formula?

Hello, I’m lovely my question today is that I’m HIV+ and on my meds. Just find out when I was 4 weeks pregnant now I’m almost 8 weeks now I’m thinking of breastfeeding my baby just for 4 days after birth. I will switch to formula feeding after. Will this affect my baby I don’t want to put him/her at any risk. I will only be breastfeeding the baby only when I’m in the hospital.

And will my baby need medication if I’m feeding him or her formula. I will be grateful if you can answer my question thanks in advance.


Hi, how are you doing?

Congratulations on your pregnancy.

If you intend to switch to exclusively formula feeding after these 4 days it is safe to breastfeed to begin with. If you are going to mix feed (breastfeed while on formula) there is increased risk of transmission.

Baby will be on their own medication for a short while. This is regardless of how they are fed. This is explained more here.



  1. Josh Peasegood

    Hi Sne, no it will not affect the baby. But it would not be recommended to switch back to breastfeeding and you make the change to formula feed.

  2. Sne

    If I stop breastfeeding to formula after a month will affect the baby?


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