Q and A


Can pregnant women take efavirenz?


NOTE: since this question was posted new guidelines have recommended that HIV positive woman can use efavirenz when trying to conceive and during pregnancy. 

Thank you for your question.

If you are thinking of getting pregnant and you are on efavirenz you will need to speak to your doctor about the possibility of changing the efavirenz for something else.

Research in pregnant monkeys showed lead to a recommendation not to use efavirenz during the first three months of pregnancy to reduce the risk cause of problems in the baby’s development. However, many women have become pregnant on efavirenz without this leading to any problems with the baby’s health.

Efavirenz is not usually recommended if you are planning a pregnancy unless this is important for the mother and there are no other choices. For more information please follow this link.

Good luck with starting your family!


  1. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Doosuur,

    Septrin doesn’t have any affect on a woman’s ability to have children. If you are having issues, please talk to a doctor.

  2. Doosuur

    Can septrine960 prevent a woman from getting pregnant?

  3. Charlotte Walker

    This is quite a controversial area as in monkey studies it was found that efavirenz caused defects in a few of the babies however, this has never been seen in human babies. It also is only relevant to taking efavirenz during the first 12 weeks which you are almost at the end of now. For more information and full explanation of what options are available to you please follow this link. If you have any further questions please do not hesitate to contact us again. Good luck with the pregnancy!

  4. Dammy

    I am on my 2nd line of ARVs, which is Efavirenz and Tenofovir, and I am 10 weeks pregnant, I am doing well on this drug and my CD4 is almost 600. I had a discussion with my Dr. on changing the drug to Truvada and Alluvia. When I to collect the drugs, the pharmacist advised me that a lot of expectant mothers are now being initiated on Efavirenz, and giving me the new drug will be getting me to my 3rd line which will reduce my options. Now I am confused and by the time I get back to my Dr., I will be getting to my 11th week.

    What would advise or recommend.



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