
Can I get my status taken off my GP's notes?

I’ve told my GP that I am HIV positive (on the advice of my consultant).

Someone told me that some GPs ask whether or not you would like it recorded in your medical notes. My GP never asked this, so I think it has gone on my notes.

Can I ask for the fact that I am HIV positive be removed from my GP notes? Someone told me that their GP agreed for it to be known only verbally i.e. it never offically was written in their GP notes.

Thank you.


Thank you for your question.

Different GPs have slightly different policies with regards to this. Usually once your status is on your records it is hard to take it off but there are ways that GPs can be more subtle about how your status is noted down in your records.

You need to speak to your GP about this. Find out their policies and use your friend’s example as a case study for how other GPs are managing this.

Please let us know how you get on.


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