Q and A


Should I tell my dentist I am HIV positive?

Do I have to tell my dentist I have HIV? I have read and heard conflicting things, my doctor says no but a previous one said I should. However, it seems that many people who have told their dentist had then had a huge problem trying to find a new one. I know this is discrimination but it still seems to happen sadly.


Thank you for your question.

It is your decision whether or not to tell your dentist about your status. Legally you are not obliged to do so. If you have a good relationship with your dentist and you trust them then it may be worth considering.

For a full answer to your question please follow this link to a similar question.


  1. GG

    Informing your dentist about your HIV status will help him or her to provide you with the best care possible. HIV can be related to thrombocytopenia and neutropenia which may have a huge impact on the outcome of your dental treatment. As a dental provider, I want to avoid causing dental emergencies or post operative infections. If a patient is thrombocytopenic an extraction or heavy root planning may result in impaired coagulability. A neutropenic patient may need to take antibiotics before and or after an invasive dental procedure (with physician consultation). Most of the HIV patients I treat have a stable CD4 and undetectable viral load. Therefore, I am usually more concerned about the patients co-morbid medical conditions (diabetes, liver disease, kidney disease, heart disease, etc). The dental team can be a great resource and support system to you. What I love most about my profession is the care and education I provide to my patients. I personally do not know what it feels like to be in your shoes as a patient but I know that I welcome my patients with an open heart and best intentions in mind. I truly wish you the best and hope that this information can help you make a decision on whether or not to inform your dentist. If not, please be sure to inform your treating physician of your dental treatment plan.
    Best wishes,

  2. Cindy

    Its really sad but we should understand that no matter how aware the people in the medical proffession are they are still human beings, If I were HIV -ve i’d do the same. Its a manageable condition but nobody will willingly say ‘ok I dont mind if I have it or not’ because where do you start from. The stigma out there is outrageous.

    I’m taking one day at a time and believing a cure will be found and life will truly go on.

    I have no intentions of telling my dentist or GP. I have sisters that are medical doctors and anything i need i get from them free of charge!


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