Q and A


Why am I still suffering from oral thrush even after testing twice?



The UK guideline recommend that you get test at 28 days (4 weeks) after the potential of exposure.  Then you have to wait for 3 months before you go for a second confirmatory test.  This is done to eliminate the chances that you might take longer than 4 weeks to generate immune response.

So far you have had ELISA and Tridot tests and the results are both negative.  According to the UK guidelines if your results are negative then it is interpreted (read) as negative.  You also need to know the the current (most recent) test are the most important, not the test you had done 1 month ago or I year ago.

As for the symptoms on your tongue, you need to speak to your doctor regarding this matter.  It could be something that can be easily treated.  Worrying and anxiety can also cause problems which are similiar but not related to HIV.


  1. Roy Trevelion

    Hi Sam,

    As it says here, a repeated negative result means you are not living with HIV. But you can ask your doctor to look for other reasons why you have these symptoms.

  2. Sam


    I’m in the same situation, can you guys advise if it was hiv after all? Thanks

  3. Roy Trevelion

    Thanks Putin,
    But as Simon and Lisa say, if you keep testing negative, then you are not living with HIV.

  4. putin

    Marc what is your condition now ?it took long time what was the reason please share with me

  5. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Vinod,

    If you keep testing negative, then you are not living with HIV.

  6. vinod

    I have suffered oral thrush for last 3 years..before 3 months of that I had an exposure ..but after that I put a number of antibody tests were done till 6 months ago.ie about more than 8 tests.all are negative..what is my position

  7. Simon Collins

    The negative results show it is not HIV. you can look to other reasons for your symptoms.

  8. Marc

    Hi Mandie,

    I have the same symptoms as you. I have thrush and severe headaches that seem to be linked (in my head anyway) to unprotected sex. However i have been tested 4 times with different HIV test (p24 & anitbody) out to 15 weeks, so i understands its highly unlikely i have it (i hope). Let me know how u get on.

  9. Simon Collins

    If your tests are negative you do not have HIV.

  10. mandie

    im also suffering with oral thrush had it for 13 months read online hiv got tested 4 times all negative i also have high white count and neutrophilis high any advice as i dont seem to be getting any from gp ive had fluconazole 3 times nystatin 3 times and daktarin gel 3 times im so worried the tests arent picking the hiv up i also get bad headaches


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