Q and A


How can I get pregnant when I am HIV positive?

Can you please give me information on the right procedure in getting pregnant when you are HIV positive?


Thank you for your question.

There are different options as regards getting pregnant when you are HIV positive.

The options take into consideration whether your partner is also HIV positive or whether they are HIV negative.

As you have not indicated this in your email, I am sending you our general guide on HIV, pregnancy and women’s health. The guide includes detailed information on the various options available. Please follow this link to this guide to HIV and pregnancy for more information.

Best wishes


  1. Siyamthanda

    I’m positive. Me and my partner have been trying to conceive for 3 years, nothing is happening.

  2. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Ntha,

    Please see Q’s 6 and 9 here:


    And the following:


  3. Ntha

    I’m positive and my partner is negative. We want a baby, how can I be pregnant without infecting him?

  4. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Virginia,

    Please see the above post and the following link:


  5. Virginia

    I’m positive and I want a baby.

  6. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Eva,

    Please see Q’s 6 and 9 here:


  7. Eva

    I’ve started ARV in may this year. My husband is HIV negative, we want to have a baby, is it possible and how can we have a child?

  8. Lisa Thorley

    Hi Blondie,

    Please see Q’s 6 and 9 here:


    And the following guide:


  9. Blondie98

    My partner is hiv positive and I’m negative could we have a child and how would that go about

  10. Lisa Thorley


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