
Is there any web site where I can get news about cure?


Most web sites that report on HIV research should include reports on cure-related research. If a cure is discovered they will all be quick to report this.

Keep in touch with your local or national community HIV organisations many of which publish newsletters or have news items on their websites.

i-Base publish HIV Treatment Bulletin every two months, though these are fairly technical reports. It includes the latest updates in the field of treatment, care and support.

You can subscribe free for the print of electronic version from the following link:


  1. Svilen Konov

    It is a very old story that was never completely cleared. The man refused to go for further tests if I remember correctly and it left a bit of a grey shadow at the end. I have not heard anything afterwards, but perhaps somebody else may know more.

  2. sam

    I just come across this. Is this really true?
    Has anyone seen this? What’s your opinion?


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